Controlling the Analysis
Analysis Options Control Dialog Boxes
In each analysis focus you can significantly control testing and output. Depending on the focus you are in, you can select one of the following options:
- SC Options (Short Circuit)
- PF Options (Power Flow)
- Harm Options (Harmonics)
- DS Options (Dynamic Stability)
The Control tab of these options contain settings for how the analysis is run. For example, the Control tab of the Short Circuit Options dialog box enables you to change settings such as Fault Type, Equipment Duty Threshold, and Voltage Sensitivity Threshold.
Excluding Items from Analysis
There are three ways to exclude items from a particular analysis session.
- Deactivate items by clicking
De-activate. Inactive items are ignored for the purposes of analysis. Note that inactive breakers act as if they don't exist—they do not create an open connection unless they are tie breakers between two buses. To cause an open connection between a bus and something else, leave the breaker active and open it as described in Opening and Closing Breakers or Switches.
- Use areas and/or zones. An area and zone are associated with each bus in the database. If you assign areas and/or zones to different subsystems represented in the database, the analysis can be restricted to only operate on a certain zone and area combination through the Control tab of the Short Circuit Options dialog box. For short circuit analysis, the area and zone apply only to Fault All. For power flow analysis, the area and zone apply only to text reports.
- Specify a bus kV range. The dialog box accessed by clicking SC Options > Control lets you specify a kV range. Buses that are outside this kV range are excluded from the short circuit analysis.
Next: Analysis Results
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