EasyPower 9.5 Release Notes
EasyPower 9.5 New & Enhanced Feature Overview
Interactive Custom Arc Flash Hazard Label Design Functionality
The new graphical designer allows you to easily configure the label layout using the mouse. The properties control allows you to specify conditional formatting. You can now create custom labels up to 80% faster!
Enhanced Arc Flash Hazard Label Printing with Live Layout and Preview
The new interface allows you to view your labels as they would print, while you edit them, including multi-label page layouts. Label print preview and page layout controls give you confidence that your labels will print correctly.
New Format for Arc Flash Scenario Comparison Report
It now appears similar to the regular arc flash hazard report and allows for greater customization including the ability to exclude the base case from the scenario comparison.
Adjustable Short Time Delay for ZSI and Instantaneous ZSI model
This includes TCC.
New Fields on Equipment Items for Arc Flash Labels
Includes user comments, QR codes, and number of labels to print.
Ability to Include or Exclude Motor Contribution to Short Circuit Calculations
Enable or disable all motors in the entire system through the Equipment tab of EasyPower options.
New Models for Protective Devices
Short time override for extended range microEntelliguard™ trip units.
Release Details
The following new feature additions, enhancements and bug fixes have been included in EasyPower 9.5.
New Features
- Analysis: Add multiple Open/Close breaker feature to right mouse context in white space.
- Arc Flash Label: Design labels using easy graphical interface.
- Arc Flash Label: Customize page layout and margins.
- Arc Flash Label: Preview while printing for any bus.
- Arc Flash Label: Add new variables.
- Arc Flash: Bus name for upstream trip device can be displayed in arc flash report and label.
- Arc Flash: Customize columns in arc flash hazard report.
- ATS: Allow Fault and Store Fault values in ATS dialog.
- Database: Add "Device Code" field to ATS, Bus, MCC and Panel dialogs. This can support printing QR code in labels.
- Options: Allow motor Short Circuit contribution to be turned on/off globally.
- Scenario Comparison Report: Add feature to change page margins.
- Scenario Comparison Report: Add upstream trip device name info.
- Scenario Comparison Report: Provide warning if a very large number of scenarios or buses are selected.
- Scenario Comparison Report: Show Arcing time.
- Short Circuit: Show System Base MVA in reports when any result is in Per-Unit.
- Stability: Add Over-Frequency Relay to DS and add GE Over/Under Frequency Relays to library.
- Stability: Add Print and Print Preview buttons to the DS plot window.
- Stability: New script commands for model data changes.
- Stability: Support wound rotor motor model (plug-in).
- TCC: GE microEntelliguard Solid State Trip Short Time Override.
- TCC: Instantaneous and ST ZSI for microEntelliguard trip units. Supports adjustable retrained delays for ST
- Three-Winding Transformer: Increase MVA Rating limit to 100,000.
- Arc flash Label: Allow printing starting from any quadrant or half of EasyMake labels (2x2 or 1x2).
- Arc Flash Label: Allow user to browse and choose label template from any folder.
- Arc Flash: Arc flash option "Show: Bus / Branch Current" is no longer supported as the report is fully customizable.
- Arc Flash: PPE Level "2009" renamed to "NFPA 70E 130.7(C)(16)" and "2012" renamed to "NFPA 70E H.3(b)"
- Coordination Report: For SST, when Instantaneous is "Use Max Setting", show the pickup Amps as per the Max setting.
- Coordination Report: For SST, when Instantaneous is “Override”, show the pickup Amps as per the Override setting.
- Database Report: Cable insulation shows the suffix "_ SHLD" for shielded cables.
- Database Report: Show Maintenance Mode settings even when off.
- Dialogs: Allow access to Arc Flash tab fields in Bus, Panel, MCC and ATS dialogs for any type of license.
- Find: Fully support Find and Query of DC cables.
- Generator Data: Allow generator rating in MVA or kVA.
- Harmonics: Support SmartBreaker for AFD, Inverter and Rectifier.
- Help: Improved help navigation.
- Help: Install help on local clients of network license.
- One-Line: For new window use the same zoom level as the original window.
- Options: Design factor in Options dialog does not store value less than 1.0.
- Panel and MCC dialogs: Do not allow Code Factor kVA and Design kVA in Power Flow tab.
- Power Flow: Transformer Overload is now based on Amp Rating and Amp flow not on kVA.
- Scenario Comparison Report: Allow Base Case to be excluded from report.
- Scenario Comparison Report: Looks similar to regular arc flash report (Column) format.
- Scenario Comparison Report: Add as "Bus" or "Branch" to Bolted Fault and Estimated Arc currents in the report header.
- Sequence of Events: Highlight coordination problems comparing clearing time of downstream with opening time of upstream device.
- SmartPDC: Set Instantaneous PU to max when curve overlaps with downstream device.
- SmartPDC: Support relays on load side of LV breaker as dependency device.
- SmartPDC: Upstream NonSST device should set Instantaneous to Max when overlapped with downstream device.
- TCC: Add inserting TCC for DC components.
- TCC: Allow Relay TOC function to be faster than ST Delay or Instantaneous.
- TCC: Clip Motor overload curve when used with SST.
- TCC: Inserted Generic Curve - support in TCC storage.
- TCC: Need to show text for Motor Overload relay curve.
- TCC: Shifted curve needs to move the relay tick mark for pickup/Tap as well.
- TCC: Shifted curve should use the SC clipping current in shifted multiple.
- TCC: Time difference calculator should use shifted curve.
- Transformer dialog: Allow X/R ratios smaller than 0.1.
- Transformer dialog: Forced cooled rating calculated for up to 10 MVA for Dry Type.
- Utility: Allow up to 10,000 MVA Base MVA when ZPU unit is selected.
- Work Permit: Support creating for ATS.
Bug Fixes
- Arc Flash: Breaker trip is ignored when motor overload data is incomplete.
- Arc Flash: Integrated method ignores Inverter Fault Time smaller than 0.061 seconds.
- Arc Flash: Photovoltaic and Battery bus should not give arc flash results on Traversal (momentary, interrupting and 30-cycle) methods without trip device.
- Generators: Unable to Edit Data in Coordination Focus.
- Harmonics: Spectra Reports for Three-Winding transformers show no THD.
- Hyperlink report doesn't redraw properly on larger databases.
- MCC Dialog: Incomplete data after TCC changes.
- MCC: Cannot group copy / paste Load Type from Excel.
- One-line: Crash copy pasting tie switch and deleting.
- Power Flow: Better support of AFD results upon switching other circuits.
- Power Flow: DC items should not show kVAR flow, power factor and voltage angle.
- Power Flow: Impact motor starting needs better support of metric motor starting in power flow focus.
- Power Flow: Swing source with 0.95pu control voltage pu incorrectly runs at 1.0pu; caused by parallel utilities with open breakers (8.0.2 problem also).
- Short Circuit: 5-cycle currents not calculated for double line-to-ground fault.
- Smart PDC: HV Fuse curve incorrectly shifted.
- SmartPDC: Ground relay incorrectly set when coordinating with downstream ground SST.
- SmartPDC: Lock Unlock Auto-Coordination has stopped working from Coordination focus.
- Stability: Copy / Paste of DS Plot to Word gives incomplete plot.
- Stability: Crash in DS when a sync motor has exact unity power factor.
- TCC Report: Maintenance mode pickup setting does not display sometimes.
- TCC: Crash Printing Inserted relay curve.
- TCC: DC equipment symbols are not stored properly in TCC one-line.
- TCC: Enhance Siemens ETU745 Plot for combination of LT Delay I^4T and ST Delay I^2T.
- TCC: Fuse Data Text appearing Twice on Stored TCC’s.
- TCC: Instantaneous Pickup in "x Motor FLA" when TOC Pickup is Function of "CT x Tap".
- TCC: Relay Tap tick mark text is missing subscript for relay function ID.
- TCC: Series Coordination tick mark is not stored with TCC.
- TCC: Show Original Curve for LV breakers causes program to close.
- TCC: Show Original Curve not working for SST ground.
- TCC: Some colors not being set in curve properties.
- TCC: Stored TCC is missing text tags for fuse when breaker Plot TCC Checkbox is unchecked.
- Text Visibility Option: ID name for DC LV breaker.
- Text Visibility: Analysis Text Visibility does not hide for new DC equipment.
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