You are here: Customizing EasyPower > Options > Grid


The Grid tab of the Options dialog box is used to change the grid parameters.

Figure 1: Grid Tab of Options Dialog Box

Grid Spacing: The X (horizontal) and Y (vertical) spacing of the grid, as it would be measured on a printout scaled at 100%.

Note: The gridpoints themselves do not print.

Applies to text dragging: Normally, dragged text does not snap to gridpoints as there is not usually a gridpoint where you want the text to go. However, you might want to have the text snap to gridpoints for specific alignment purposes.

Display grid points: If you select this check box, the gridpoints are displayed with actual dots on the screen; otherwise, they are not visible (but still active if grid snapping is on).

Snap to grid: Select the check box to have items snap to gridpoints when dragging them on the one-line.

Depending on the combinations you select of the last two options, you can have:

Grid color: You can select any one of several colors in which the grid can be displayed.

All of these setup parameters, including the snap grid on/off status are saved with the current database.

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Customizing EasyPower  

EasyPower, LLC

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EasyPower Version 9.6

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