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Report Options

You can customize text reports by right-clicking on the report and selecting Report Options.

Figure 1: Report Options – Font

Category: Type of information such as title, header or results. Select the desired category first to customize the font size, style, and colors. Select Restore Factory Settings to clear any custom settings you have created.

Figure 2: Report Options – Settings

Organization Name: If you want the company name to appear different from the default company name, type the new name in this field.

Show Table Shadow: Show or hide shadow effects on the report at the edge of the table.

Assumed Page Width: When you export the report to Microsoft Word 2003 or newer versions, the report is sized to fit the specified width.

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Customizing EasyPower

EasyPower, LLC

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Tualatin, OR 97062


EasyPower Version 9.6

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Help was last updated on 8/26/2014