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Sending to a Word Processor

There are several ways to get an EasyPower one-line image into a word processor document. All of them put the image on the Windows clipboard, which you can then paste into the word processing document with that application's Paste command.

Using ALT+Print Screen

One way to get an image from EasyPower or any other Windows application is to press ALT+Print Screen. This Windows command takes a picture of the current application's window and puts it on the Windows clipboard.

Copying EasyPower Graphics to Other Applications

When you click Copy while there are no one-line items selected, EasyPower takes the section of one-line currently showing in the active window (this option is not available for text reports) and puts it on the Windows clipboard. The graphics format is Windows Metafile. Then, you can paste it into another application. However, if items are selected when you choose Copy, those selected database items are copied to the clipboard instead—not the one-line graphics.

Copying Text Reports to Other Applications

Though you can print text reports directly from EasyPower, you may wish to incorporate only certain sections of a text into another document or you may just want the ability to save the whole report in a word processor.

To print the report, click the EasyPower button and then click Print (toolbar menu: File > Print).

To save the report as an TXT file, click the EasyPower button and then click Save (toolbar menu: File > Save).

To export the report to Word, right-click on the report and select Export as HTML to Word or Export as HTML to Word, Fit to Page. The second option fits all tables to the width of the page.

Select the lines you wish to copy or click Edit > Select All if you want to copy the entire report. Click Edit > Paste to place it into the word processor.

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Using EasyPower with Other Programs

EasyPower, LLC

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EasyPower Version 9.6

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