You are here: Arc Flash Hazard Analysis > Creating Energized Electrical Work Permits > Editing Work Permits

Editing Work Permits

You can edit a work permit using the Microsoft Word program. To change the default format of a work permit, you can change the Word template file called WPTemplate.docx. The file is stored in a location based on settings in Tools > Options > File Locations. You can reformat or change the text as needed.

Tip: You may want to save your custom template with a different name to leave the default WPTemplate.docx template intact. You can then use File Locations to redirect the default template to your custom template file.

Important: In the template, do NOT edit or delete the fields with brackets { }. EasyPower writes to these fields and they should not be changed.

The default work permit template does not come with the scenario name. To add the scenario name to the work permit, add the text: {SCEN}

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Arc Flash Hazard Analysis File Locations
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