You are here: Arc Flash Hazard Analysis > Arc Flash Hazard Labels > Printing Arc Flash Labels (Example)

Printing Arc Flash Labels (Example)

You can print arc flash labels by following this example:

Note: Ensure the Arc Flash Spreadsheet check box is selected in SC Options > Arc Flash Hazard under Create Report.

  1. Open the Protection-1.dez sample file provided with your EasyPower installation.
  2. Click Short Circuit in the toolbar to open the Short Circuit analysis focus.
  3. Click Fault Bus(es) to initiate short circuit and arc flash analysis.
  4. Click Arrange for Arc Flash or press F8 to display the Arc Flash Hazard Report.
  5. Click the Arc Flash Hazard Report window to give it the focus, then click Label.
  6. In the Label Preview window, select the desired template from the Label Templates list.
  7. Select the page layout that matches your label stock from the Page Layout list.
  8. Review the labels to be printed.
  9. If needed, click Page Settings and adjust the page layout.
  10. After you are satisfied with the settings, click Print to start printing. The window automatically closes afterward.

More Information

Arc Flash Hazard Analysis  
Label Print Preview Window  
Faulting a Bus

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