The Dynamic Stability feature of EasyPower enables you simulate various power system events such as motor starting, device switching, protective device tripping, load shedding, and bus faulting. It supports calculating voltage, current, speed, torque, frequency, power, and many other values for various types of equipment using EasyPower’s dynamic models. These calculated values are shown in time plots and spreadsheets. We recommend that you also review the Transient Motor Starting (TMS) tutorial for more information on data entry and transient motor starting.
For this tutorial, open the DSExample-2.dez sample file located in the Samples folder.
Items on the one-line need to have dynamic stability data before you can run a simulation.
Similarly, you can add dynamic model data to motors, ATS, contactors (in breaker and fuse data), and transformers (for magnetization inrush).
To display the ID names for breakers and fused switches on the one-line, click Tools > Options > Text Visibility, and in the Show Name for column, select the check boxes for HV Breaker and Fuse.
Enter the Dynamic Stability focus by clicking Stability in the Home ribbon. The Stability ribbon is displayed as shown below and the windows are arranged to view the one-line, the simulation plot, and the message log.
Figure 1: Stability Ribbon
As you enter the Dynamic Stability focus, EasyPower runs a power flow solution for steady-state—note the power flow results on the one-line.
There are three ways to simulate an event:
A simulation script is a series of commands or instructions for the program to follow. Some scripts have been created in this sample file. We will run these scripts.
The one-line shows the power flow results at the end of the simulation. See the figure below. The HV Fuse FS-1 shows the “C>>O” sign next to it, letting us know that the fuse was opened. The ATS has transferred to the generator side.
Click on the Plot 2 tab in the DS Plots for DSExample-2.dez window. The plot shows values of voltage, current, and frequency for the standby generator.
To view the spreadsheet data for this plot, you can drag the left edge of the plot area to the right. You can format the plot axes or the plot area by double-clicking on an item. The message log window at the bottom describes what processes or events occurred and the time of occurrence.
Note: To perform any command regarding a simulation in the Stability ribbon, the one-line window needs to be the active window (selected or current window). If your one-line window caption is not highlighted, click on it to make it active.
Figure 2: Simulation Results
Double-click on the bus MCC-3 to simulate a bus fault. You can observe the one-line and the message log to view various events that follow the fault. Overcurrent relay R-6 trips to open the breaker BH-TX-3. The contactors for the motors downstream dropout when the voltage on the bus collapses during the fault. Plot 3 in the DS Plots window shows the bus voltage, the current to the faulted bus from the upstream side, and the current contribution from motor M-4. AutoPlot shows the voltage and current for the faulted bus.
From the Stability ribbon that is visible when you select the one-line, click DS Options. You can control the simulation through the Dynamic Stability Options dialog box.
In the Double-Click Control tab, note the controls for Bus to Fault. The default values are 6 seconds for Simulation End Time and 1 second for Delay Time Length. In the plot from the previous simulation, you will notice that the bus faulted one (1) second after the start of the simulation, and the simulation plot ends at 6 seconds. You can control other events in a similar manner.
This script simulates disconnecting the utility from the rest of the system. When all of the loads are shifted to the generator COGEN, there is a disturbance in various variables. The frequency dips, causing the under-frequency (81) relay R-2 to trip, opening breaker BH-TX-2. After this load trips, the system stabilizes in a few seconds. View Plot 1 and the message log.
When you perform a simulation by double-clicking on the one-line, data is plotted in the AutoPlot tab. Based on the type of simulation, EasyPower chooses which values to display in the AutoPlot. To see values elsewhere in your system, you need to define plots. Nine plots are available with up to a maximum of 5 curves per plot.
Note: AutoPlot does not appear in simulations run from scripts.
To define a plot:
Figure 3: Defining Plots
You can write scripts to simulate various events and run them sequentially. Before we run scripts, we need to define plots so that we can view results for the desired values as we just did for motor M-2. Next we will write a script to simulate steady-state for 2 seconds, starting motor M-2, and switching off motor M-1.
Figure 4: Script Example
This has been a brief tutorial on EasyPower’s Dynamic Stability program. If you have the PowerProtector™ coordination feature enabled, Dynamic Stability can also simulate the response of protective devices. You can simulate contactors dropping out from excessive voltage drop, or an ATS switching to emergency power. Remember to enter data in the Stability tab of various equipment data dialogs as necessary in the Database Edit focus first. Make use of scripts to simulate sequential events and use the Define Plots feature to monitor values.