Importing Data into EasyPower

To import OnSite data files into EasyPower, you must have a separate OnSite DataConnect update installed on the computer where the EasyPower program is installed. You will be prompted to acquire the update if it is missing when you attempt to import the file.

To import the data file:

  1. After creating the file in OnSite, copy it to a location that is accessible to the computer where EasyPower is installed.
  2. Open EasyPower, and click File > Import > Import OnSite project.
  3. If you are missing the update, you will be prompted to install it. Follow the prompts to complete the update.
  4. In the Import Project window, next to OnSite Project File Path, click Browse to select the import data file you copied in Step 1, and then click Open.
  5. Next to EasyPower One-line File Path, click Browse, and select the location where you want to store the one-line .DEZ file that is created as a result of the import (for example, This PC\Documents\EasyPower\Onelines).
  6. Next to File name, type the name of the file you want to create in for the one-line, and then click Save.
  7. Click Import.
  8. An Import Results window appears. You can click Save Text to save the result of the import in a text file, if desired. Review the report to ensure there are no errors. The imported data that appears in this report is also stored on the Collected Data tab of each item in EasyPower.
  9. Note: In some cases, where insufficient data is available to ensure an exact match (for example, when selecting a style on an LV breaker), EasyPower attempts to determine a reasonable match. Items where this was done appear on this report. Review the report to ensure that the results of this match are what you wanted.

  10. Click Close to close the report and open the one-line.

It is a good idea to review the data dialog boxes of each of the imported equipment items to ensure the data appears correctly in the fields. You can compare the information in the Collected Data tab to the individual fields in the data dialog boxes of each equipment item to ensure the import occurred as you expected. You may also need to adjust the locations of the items on the one-line that EasyPower creates.

For more information about how OnSite creates the export information, see Export Considerations.

More Information

Importing Data into EasyPower
Reviewing a Project
Exporting a Project


Copyright © 2017 EasyPower

Last updated 3/1/2017

OnSite Version 1.4