Moving a One-line

You can move a one-line in the Project Overview to reposition it related to other one-lines in the project.

To move a one-line:

  1. From the Project Home page, tap Overview.
  2. OnSite displays all of your project one-lines.
  3. Press and hold the one-line you want to move, and then drag it to the position where you want it.
  4. Note: If there are connections between the one-lines, the connecting lines adjust automatically.

If you want to reset your one-lines into the position that they were in before any one-lines were ever moved, tap Rebuild Layout .

When you export your project to EasyPower, this layout is used by EasyPower to determine where to display the equipment in the one-line EasyPower creates. It is a good idea to set your layout here before you export the project.

More Information

Moving a One-line
Navigating to a One-line


Copyright © 2017 EasyPower

Last updated 3/1/2017

OnSite Version 1.4