Selecting Items

Many operations require you to select one or more items in the database first. 

Selecting an Individual Item

Click an item to select it, and then select the action you want to take. By default, the color indicating a selected state is green, but this can be changed in Tools > Options > Color.

For example, select an item and then press DELETE to delete the selected item. 

Selecting All Items

To select all items in an active one-line or an entire text report, do one of the following:

Selecting with the Mouse

The simplest way to select an item is to move the Select pointer over the item and click on it.

To select a group of items in a region, click and hold the left mouse button while dragging a rectangular shape around the items you want to select.

When you click to make a new selection, this automatically removes the selection of currently selected items. To select additional items without removing the currently selected items, hold down the SHIFT or CTRL key and select the additional items.

Deselecting an Item from a Group

If you accidentally select an unwanted item while selecting a group of items, you can deselect the item by holding down the CTRL key and clicking on the item.

Selecting by an Item's ID Name

In the Home tab, click Find-Select to find an item by its item type and ID name.

Figure 1: Find Item Dialog Box

In this example, we are selecting a bus with the ID name of “BUS-4.”

  1. In Item Type, select the type of equipment—for example, bus. Only equipment present in the one-line is displayed.
  2. The ID Name of Item to Find list contains the ID names of all the available buses in the one-line. Select the desired ID name—in this example, Bus-4.
  3. To select the item without clearing other items already selected, select the Additive Select check box.
  4. Click OK. The selected item is shown on the one-line.

Querying to Select

To select multiple items that match certain criteria from a query, from the Home tab, click Find-Select > Query.

Figure 2: Query Dialog Box

Option Description
Item Types Only item types you select here are considered for selection.
Region to Consider To limit the items EasyPower considers for selection, select the desired region. If you select Inside Box, a box pointer appears after you click OK. Use the left mouse button to drag the box pointer around the region you want to select.
Output Select Item Selection to have the items highlighted on the one-line, or Text to have those items listed on a Query text report.
ID Name Contains To select only items with certain characters in their names, type those characters here. If this field is left blank, the ID names are not considered for selection purposes. In this field, there are some special characters that can be used. For Note items, the actual note text is considered.

More Information

Making One-line Diagrams  
Adding Items to the One-line

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Help was last updated on 5/22/2018