File Structure

The XML file is structured as shown below. The information shown here is for reference only as to the hierarchy of the tags, and some lines have been consolidated for brevity. For details, see Symbol Definition Tags.

The first few lines of the file are required.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<Symbols xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="EasyPowerSymbols.xsd">

<Settings Standard="ANSI" Units="Pixels"/>

<Equipment Type>


















</Equipment Type>


More Information

Customizing One-line Symbols Editing the Symbol File
Symbol Template Files Symbol Definition Tags
Setting Default Custom Symbols for New One-lines Additional Considerations

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Tualatin, OR 97062


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EasyPower Version 10.0

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Help was last updated on 5/22/2018