Specifying Electrode Configuration

You can specify the electrode configuration shown on the one-line and in reports and work permits.

  • Default from Library: When selected, the program uses the electrode configuration from the device library.
  • User Specified: Selecting this option enables you to select the electrode configuration for this item. The options available are based on the orientation of the electrodes, whether they are inside an enclosure, and in one instance, whether they terminate into a barrier.
  • Electrodes in Enclosures:

    • VCB: Vertical electrodes inside an enclosure.
    • VCBB: Vertical electrodes terminating in an insulating barrier inside an enclosure.
    • HCB: Horizontal electrodes inside an enclosure.

    Electrodes in Open Air:

    • VOA: Vertical electrodes in open air.
    • HOA: Horizontal electrodes in open air.

You can select more than one configuration to represent the multiple types of conditions that can occur for the equipment. EasyPower evaluates each configuration and then provides values for the highest incident energy based on the existing electrode configurations. Annex C in the IEEE 1584-2018 standard describes examples where you might use more than one electrode configuration.

Tip: To change the electrode configuration for multiple items on the one-line, select the items in the Database Edit focus and then on the Home tab, click Change > AF Bus Electrode Configuration.

Electrode configurations are only applicable to the IEEE 1584-2018 standard. For more information, see Electrode Configuration.

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