
Text can have the following attributes.

X [Required] Horizontal position of text in specified units

Y [Required] Vertical position of text in specified units

VAlign Vertical alignment of text. This determines how Y is interpreted.

Top Text is aligned above the Y coordinate

Center Text is centered vertically with the Y coordinate

Bottom Text is aligned below the Y coordinate

HAlign Horizontal alignment of text. This determines how X is interpreted.

Left The text starts at the X coordinate

Center Text is centered over the X coordinate

Right The text ends at the X coordinate

Label [Required] Text to display. This is static text unless the Prompt attribute is defined in which case this value is the default text. Although this field is required, when used in conjunction with a prompt you may leave it blank (for example, <Label></Label>) to leave the title block field blank until text is specified through the Drawing Properties dialog box on the Title Block tab. See Label Variables for more information.



Prompt [Optional] Prompt for label. Makes this text item a variable as specified in the Drawing Properties dialog box on the Title Block tab.



FontName [Optional] Font face name [Default = Arial]

Name [Optional, but recommended] Field Name. This is a name that EasyPower uses to store the data for that particular field. The name field is also important because it allows changing to a different title block and retaining the data that was entered of fields that have the same name.

FontSize [Optional, default = 10] Font point size. To get a perfect fit you can use a decimal value such as 10.6 to fit a space.

Escapement [Optional, default = 0] Font escapement specified in 1/10 of an angle. So for 90 degree text you would specify 900.

Bold [Optional, default = 0] Bold font

0 = normal

1 = bold

Color [Optional, default = 0 (black)] ARGB value of color of the line

The format is #AARRGGBB, for alpha (transparency), red, green, and blue. See Hex Colors for more information about setting color values.










<Name>Title prompt</Name>







By adding the above example to our previous examples, we come up with this:

Figure 1: Title Block Example

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