Group Copy

You can perform a group copy while in the Database Edit focus.

  1. Select items to copy. You can select groups of individual items by holding the CTRL key and left-clicking, or by dragging a rectangle around the items you want to move.
  2. Click  Copy. Alternatively, you can press CTRL+C.
  3. Click  Paste. Alternatively, you can press CTRL+V.
  4. Drag the copy to the location where you want it to appear on the one-line.
  5. Set the copy's position by clicking anywhere outside the group's bounding rectangle or by pressing ENTER.

Any connections to other items in the same selection group are retained in the copied items. Connections to items outside the group are not connected.

You can copy and paste items from one one-line to another using the method described above. When you paste the items into a new one-line, EasyPower displays the symbols based on the one-line settings. See One-line Symbols Tab for more information.

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