Bezier Curves

A Bezier is a curved line. In EasyPower, these are used to draw the symbols that appear in adjustable frequency drives and uninterrupted power sources. A sample AFD symbol is shown here:

The text below describes the <SymbolTemplate> tag for the "From" and "To" sections of an AFD. The Bezier points are in colored font to match the points in the figure below.

<SymbolTemplate Section="From">

<Line X1="18" Y1="0" X2="18" Y2="6" />

<Polygon Points="6 6, 30 6, 6 30, 6 6" FillStyle="None"/>

<Bezier Points="9 12, 13 1, 15 23, 19 12" />


<SymbolTemplate Section="To">

<Polyline Points="6 30, 30 30, 30 6"/>

<Bezier Points="18 24, 22 13, 24 35, 28 24" />

<Line X1="18" Y1="30" X2="18" Y2="36" />


Bezier calculations create curved lines between the points you establish. Due to the complexity of the calculations, the example below shows only the points, and not the actual curves that would be displayed. The dotted lines demonstrate the direction of the curves.

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