Text Output

To set Power Flow options, from the Power Flow menu, select PF Options. You can also access the options from within the Database Edit focus by selecting Tools > Options > Analysis Options > Power Flow.

Alternatively, you can click Power Flow and then click PF Text Reports

Select the Text Output tab to determine the type of results that are displayed on the one-line during a power flow analysis.

Note: Text output is independent of one-line output. This means you can be viewing specific power flow results or attributes directly on the one-line, but displaying entirely different results in the text result windows.

Text outputs are displayed in individual result windows which you can scroll, review, and print at your discretion. A detailed power flow result window and a summary window are available. Because of the many text output combinations, you are encouraged to try different options and levels of detail for your particular study requirements.

Figure 1: Text Output of the Power Flow Options Dialog Box

Option Descriptions
Option Description

Detail Report Options:

 You can choose from two different detailed power flow result formats. The IEEE/WSCC Format may be familiar to you; however, the Standard format provides the most detail. If you prefer to look at just the one-line output and no detailed text results, select None.

Summary Report Options

The summary window enables you to look at detailed summaries for specific equipment types or conditions. You can select all the reports at one time using the All Summary Reports check box.

Network Options

This option is only applicable to Unbalanced mode. Use the network option to specify the report format.

  • Positive Sequence Only: The report only includes positive sequence quantities.
  • Symmetrical Components: The report formulates the quantities in positive sequence, negative sequence, and zero sequence format.
  • Elements: The report formulates the quantities in phase A, B, C, and N format.

Bus Voltage

Choose between kV(LL) and V(LL) for voltage units of the text report output.

Branch Flows

Choose between MVA and kVA for branch flow units of the text report output.

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