Text can have the following attributes.
X [Required] Horizontal position of text in specified units
Y [Required] Vertical position of text in specified units
VAlign Vertical alignment of text. This determines how Y is interpreted.
Top Text is aligned above the Y coordinate
Center Text is centered vertically with the Y coordinate
Bottom Text is aligned below the Y coordinate
HAlign Horizontal alignment of text. This determines how X is interpreted.
Left The text starts at the X coordinate
Center Text is centered over the X coordinate
Right The text ends at the X coordinate
Label [Required] Text to display. This is static text unless the Prompt attribute is defined in which case this value is the default text.
Prompt [Optional] Prompt for label. Makes this text item a variable which is specified by the user in the Print dialog box.
FontName [Optional] Font face name [Default = Arial]
Name [Optional, but recommended] Field Name. This is a name that EasyPower uses to store the data for that particular field. The name field is also important because it allows changing to a different title block and retaining the data that was entered of fields that have the same name.
FontSize [Optional, default = 10] Font point size. To get a perfect fit you can use a decimal value such as 10.6 to fit a space.
Escapement [Optional, default = 0] Font escapement specified in 1/10 of an angle. So for 90 degree text you would specify 900.
Bold [Optional, default = 0] Bold font
0 = normal
1 = bold
Color [Optional, default = 0 (black)] ARGB value of color of the line
The format is #AARRGGBB, for alpha (transparency), red, green, and blue. See Hex Colors for more information about setting color values.
<Label>CITY OF SEATTLE</Label>