Creating an SKM Data Export CSV File
Many database programs give you the option to create .CSV files to export your data into a format that can be read by other programs. The steps below describe how you can create a file from SKM that can be read by other programs, including EasyPower.
Note: The following instructions are intended as a representative example of the steps involved to create a .CSV format file. Your actual steps may vary.
Creating the .CSV File
There are two recommended options available for creating the .CSV file. You can create your own custom format or you can use the SKMDataExport.FMT format.
- Use the custom format instructions to specify the components and attributes you want to include in the .CSV file yourself.
- Use the SKMDataExport.FMT instructions to create a .CSV with essential data included.
Both methods are described below.
Creating a Custom Format
- In SKM, open the project from which you want to export data.
- From the Project menu, click Export.
- In the Export dialog box, make note of the file name in the Export to File box. You can change the location and name if desired, but ensure that the file extension is .CSV.
- In the Export dialog box, click Datablock Edit to open the Datablock Format dialog box.
- In the Datablock Format dialog box, click New to create a new format. This opens a Format Editor dialog box.
- In the Format Editor dialog box, under Component Type, select the first component (for example, “Bus”).
- In the Format Editor dialog box, under Available Attributes, select each of the attributes you want to export. You can do this as follows:
- To select multiple attributes, press and hold the SHIFT key while you click each attribute.
- To select a range of attributes, press and hold the SHIFT key, click the first attribute in the range, click the last attribute in the range, and then release the SHIFT key.
- After the attributes for the component type are selected, click Add to End. The selected attributes appear under Displayed Attributes.
- Repeat steps 6-8 for each component type.
- In the Format Editor dialog box, in the Format Name box, type the name you want to use for your format.
- Click OK after all component types and attributes have been selected and you have created a name for the format.
- The Datablock Format dialog box is displayed, and your custom format appears under Formats for Import/Export. Close the Datablock Format window.
- In the Export dialog box, in the Datablock Format list, select the custom format you just created.
- In the Export dialog box, under Components From, ensure Query is selected, and then select *ALL COMPONENTS from the list.
- In the Export dialog box, under Format, ensure that the following options are selected:
- Export As Text File (not applicable to SKM version (Build 1))
- Comma Separated Values (CSV)
- Export Column and Data Information
16. Click Export to begin the export. This creates the .CSV file in the location you specified in step 3.
Using the SKMDataExport.FMT Format
- Download SKMDataExport.FMT from
- In SKM, open the project from which you want to export data.
- From the Project menu, click Export.
- In the Export dialog box, make note of the file name in the Export to File box. You can change the location and name if desired, but ensure that the file extension is .CSV.
- In the Export dialog box, click Datablock Edit to open the Datablock Format dialog box.
- In the Datablock Format dialog box, click Import in the lower-right corner.
- Browse to the location of the SKMDataImport.FMT file that was saved in step 1. Select the file and then click Open. You can also double-click the file to open it.
- In the Import to Import/Export Datablock Formats dialog box, select the All Items Full Data Export format, and then click OK.
- In the Datablock Format dialog box, note that the All Items Full Data Export format now appears under Formats for Import/Export. Close the Datablock Format window.
- In the Export dialog box, in the Datablock Format list, select the All Items Full Data Export format you just imported in steps 6-9.
- In the Export dialog box, make note of the file name in the Export to File box. You can change the location and name if desired, but ensure that the file extension is .CSV.
- In the Export dialog box, under Components From, ensure Query is selected, and then select *ALL COMPONENTS from the list.
- In the Export dialog box, under Format, ensure that the following options are selected:
Save the SKMDataExport.FMT file in a location accessible to the computer from which you are going to create the .CSV file.
- Export As Text File (not applicable to SKM version (Build 1))
- Comma Separated Values (CSV)
- Export Column and Data Information
14. Click Export to begin the export. This creates the .CSV file in the location you specified in step 11.
You can now proceed to Importing an SKM Format File.