Series Coordination of Breakers
The SmartDesign™ feature in EasyPower finds and selects LV breakers that selectively coordinate with each other in the instantaneous trip (high short circuit current) region of the time current curves. Although the time current curves may indicate that the breakers are not coordinated in the instantaneous trip region, various manufacturers have published documents that show the extent to which a greater level of coordination is possible. These documents are based on tests and calculations. Based on the manufacturer’s data sheets, EasyPower selects the appropriate breakers in the Auto Design process so that breakers in series coordinate with each other. For coordination in the overload or short time trip regions of the breakers, it is necessary to check against the TCC plots or use EasyPower’s SmartPDC™ (Auto Coordination) feature.
The Series Coordination (of breakers) feature is integrated with SmartDesign™. If a breaker being selectively coordinated does not have the trip amps specified in the one-line data, the auto-sizing algorithms in SmartDesign™ are used to determine the size of breakers based on downstream loads and various code factor calculations.
Next: Prerequisites for Series Coordination
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