EasyPower 10.0 SP1 Release Notes

The following items are new features or enhancements for the 10.0 SP1 release.

IEC Enhancements

Column headers for database reports now reflect IEC standard descriptions. The appropriate columns are populated or left blank depending on whether the standard is set to ANSI or IEC.

  • Fuses: IEC Breaking kA, IEC TCC Initial kA, IEC TCC Breaking kA, IEC TCC Steady State kA.
  • Switches: IEC Peak Withstand kA.
  • LV Breakers: IEC Breaking kA.
  • HV Breakers: IEC Rated kA, IEC Making kA, IEC Breaking kA, IEC Opening Time (s), DC Time Constant (s).

Translated Versions

  • There is now a GB/T 15544 short circuit calculation option for Chinese users. For this option to be available, the EasyPower license must include IEC and your computer’s region must be set to Chinese.
  • For Chinese versions of EasyPower, the auto-naming feature now creates Chinese names for equipment.
  • Sample one-line files are now copied to the appropriate language folders for international users.
  • Help and documentation is available from the software in Spanish when the computer’s language region is set to Spanish. The Start Page tutorials now display in Spanish.

Other Enhancements

  • The Recent Files list displayed on the Start Page has been increased from 9 to 16.
  • In the Harmonics Options, on the Plot Output tab, the range of the frequency scan and the summation chart can now be as high as 200.
  • EasyPower reports are now exported to the installed version of Excel. If Excel is not installed, you will be asked if you want to export to an XML file.

Bug Fixes

The release also includes miscellaneous bug fixes and other improvements, including:


  • Fixed an issue where lines used for annotations in earlier EasyPower versions did not appear after upgrading to 10.0.
  • Fixed an issue where notes did not print in the correct position when printing from a drawing.
  • Fixed an issue where using the Zoom Area function reduced the size of the text inside a note.
  • Fixed an issue where annotation boxes and lines disappeared on a one-line if Automatic was selected for the color.
  • Fixed an issue where note text margins ignored the margin settings for the note.

Arc Flash

  • Fixed an issue where boundary distances on the Arc Flash reports display incorrect values when U.S. units are used on the Scenario Comparison report and metric units are used in the Arc Flash Hazard report, or vice-versa.
  • Fixed an issue on the Arc Flash Threshold report where the working distance did not display the correct units based on the unit selection made in the SC Options dialog box on the Arc Flash Hazard tab.


  • Fixed an issue where the Vector Coordinates in TCC options on the TCC Oneline tab remained available after the fault current was changed from Symmetrical.
  • Fixed an issue where using the time difference calculator in TCC plots for ground curves did not adjust the time difference.
  • Fixed an issue where opening a downstream breaker on a TCC triggered the upstream breaker to open also.
  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to add a motor curve to a TCC using the Insert Curve command.
  • Fixed an issue where the trip time for a relay curve using the integrated method displayed the value of the low side of the curve instead of the high side on arc flash reports.
  • Fixed an issue where the TCC one-line was not aligned properly when previewing or printing to a PDF.
  • Fixed an issue where the scrollbar was missing in TCC one-lines.
  • Fixed an issue where switching from the Short Circuit focus to Coordination focus with incomplete breaker data would cause EasyPower to close.
  • Fixed an issue in Coordination where changing the instantaneous setting for a relay in the Temporary Relay Data dialog box could cause EasyPower to close.
  • Fixed an issue where Coordination reports did not show the short time pickup I2t value when it set as "In"
  • Fixed an issue in Coordination where no curves would show up on a TCC plot when the selected items included inactive components.

Copy and Paste

  • Fixed an issue where when copying and pasting graphics from a fully zoomed-out one-line into Microsoft Word, the notes were not included in the Word copy.

Device Library

  • Fixed an issue in the device library where attempting to open an Excel spreadsheet would cause an error message to be displayed, and the spreadsheet would not open.


  • Fixed an issue when using the IEC short circuit calculation method where remote voltages and currents were not being displayed on drawings.
  • Fixed an issue in IEC where branch faults were not displayed in drawings.
  • Fixed an issue where cable text on drawings was not being displayed in the correct location.
  • Fixed an issue where nodes were not being printed in drawings.
  • Fixed an issue where data text in a drawing disappeared after returning to the drawing from an analysis mode.
  • Fixed an issue where changing the text display options when a drawing is open caused other text to disappear from the drawing.

Equipment Data

  • Fixed an issue where an ATS set as a Primary Selector Switch was not displayed correctly when connected to a cable.
  • Fixed an issue where recently added resistance fields for transformer lines, cables, and busways were not being displayed on reports.
  • Fixed an issue in the Rectifier and Inverter data dialog boxes where the switch type was not being reflected properly in the Fault x FLA field label.
  • Fixed an issue where changing a cable's "From" and "To" bus in the data dialog box would cause the cable to be attached to the same bus on both ends.
  • Fixed an issue where opening a file that contained a switchboard with an odd number of rows caused EasyPower to close.


  • Fixed an issue where the Equipment Duty report was missing header information when the short circuit calculation method was set to IEC and the report was exported to Excel.
  • Fixed an issue where short circuit reports exported to Excel did not have background colors.
  • Fixed an issue where an exported DXF file would not open if it contained unconnected relays.
  • Fixed an issue where an exported Equipment Duty report did not display background colors in Excel.
  • Fixed an issue where exporting to a .CSV file for reporting would cause EasyPower to close if you attempted to open the report a second time while the first instance of the report was still open.
  • Fixed an issue in Short Circuit Options on the Text Output tab where selecting the Export to CSV option would only be saved if another option was changed on the dialog box.
  • Fixed an issue where all relay functions were being displayed in one row after exporting from the Database Browser to Excel.


  • Fixed an issue where the maintenance mode highlight did not appear on the one-line for a breaker where Maintenance Mode was set to "On."
  • Fixed an issue where it was not possible to connect the DC side of a rectifier to a DC cable.
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to connect AC systems to DC systems if the option to "Auto create bus on unconnected line endpoints" option was selected.


  • Fixed an issue where changing a value and pressing ENTER in the Options dialog box for the AutoDesign tab caused the settings to disappear.

Power Flow

  • Fixed an issue where EasyPower closed when solving power flow due to deactivated items.
  • Fixed an issue where power flow did not converge on a large one-line file.
  • Fixed an issue where some Power Flow Detail reports could not be minimized or closed without also closing EasyPower.
  • Fixed an issue where in the Power Flow Report options, the Default button was disabled.
  • Fixed an issue where closing and then reopening a Power Flow Detail report caused EasyPower to close.
  • Fixed an issue where clicking Solve in Power Flow generates a separate detail report for each click instead of just one report.


  • Fixed an issue where user-selected colors for printing to a PDF were using default EasyPower colors instead.


  • Fixed an issue where an ATS in a scenario caused EasyPower to close when the Arc Flash Scenario Comparison report was run.

Short Circuit

  • Fixed an issue where DC systems that use the IEC short circuit calculation method and the C Factor was set to minimum, currents were displayed on the one-line even though the sources of current were cut off.
  • Fixed an issue where DC system were incorrectly using C Factor in maximum symmetrical and maximum asymmetrical faults on a one-line.
  • Fixed an issue where the Database Report for IEC HV breakers did not display the correct values.
  • Fixed an issue where remote branch current faults displayed NaN(ind) instead of zero or blank values.
  • Fixed an issue where the Breaking Report didn't display all breaking times for LV buses when multiple breaking times were selected for the report.
  • Fixed an issue in IEC calculations where a cable connected from an ATS to a panel has some current passing through to an open breaker when the ATS was faulted.
  • Fixed an issue where asymmetrical branch current was higher than bus current for a double line-to-ground fault.
  • Fixed an issue where asymmetrical branch current faults displayed NaN(ind) instead of zero or blank values.
  • Fixed an issue for IEC calculations where the branch X/R calculations displayed negative sequence current instead of positive sequence for unbalanced faults.
  • Fixed an issue where fault currents were being displayed on buses that were outside the "Fault All" filter set up in Short Circuit Options on the Control tab.
  • Fixed an issue to improve asymmetrical short circuit values.


  • Fixed an issue in OneLine Designer where it was not possible to close a subsystem template.


  • Fixed an issue where IEC fuses were displaying breaker symbols on the TCC New Curve menu in Coordination.

Title Block

  • Fixed an issue where title block templates that contained lines with negative coordinates caused the title block orientation to shift.

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