You are here: Arc Flash Hazard Analysis > Arc Flash Hazard Labels > Print Labels Ribbon

Print Labels Ribbon

When the Label Print Preview window is active, the Print Labels ribbon is displayed.

Figure 1: Action Buttons on the Print Labels Ribbon



Load Templates

Loads pre-existing templates from your hard drive or network drive. You can use this button to load templates from pre-existing versions of 9.0 to 9.5.


Prints the label(s).

True Size

Changes print preview to represent the actual size that will be printed

Fit to View

Changes drawing to best fit the real estate of the drawing panel.

Design Labels

If the current label template needs to be modified before printing, you can access the label designer through this button. The print preview window will be closed.


Use this button to activate a different window within EasyPower, such as the Arc Flash Hazard report window.

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Arc Flash Hazard Analysis

EasyPower, LLC

7730 SW Mohawk St.

Tualatin, OR 97062


EasyPower Version 9.6

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