Database Browser and Report

EasyPower gives you the ability to access the database by means of a spreadsheet browser or report. This lets you:

Viewing the Database Browser

To open the Database Browser, while in the Database Edit focus on an open one-line, click File > Database > Database Browser.

This a report showing the data of the all the items in the one-line. The equipment types are divided into separate tabs. The first tab provides a summary of all the equipment items currently in the system. The other tabs separate the database items by equipment type.

The following figure shows an example of the Database Browser:

Figure 1: Database Browser

Typically, all equipment items in the database are listed in the Database Browser. However, you can filter the items shown in the Database Browser by selecting only the desired items on the one-line before opening the browser.

Tip: Use the EasyPower one-line query function to select which equipment items to display in the browser. See Querying to Select for more information.

Searching for Text in the Database Browser

With the Database Browser in view, click Find to search for text in the browser spreadsheet.

Figure 2: Find Dialog Box in the Database Browser

This only searches text in the same column as the currently selected spreadsheet cell. Use this feature to find individual equipment items if at least part of the ID name is known.

Copying the Spreadsheet Data

The Database Browser is compatible with other standard spreadsheets. You can copy cells from the EasyPower database spreadsheet and paste them into programs such as Microsoft Access or Excel. From these external programs, the EasyPower database information can be converted to other database formats.

Note: You can also export the entire database to a comma delimited (CSV) format using the File > Export > Export Database option.

Modifying the Database using the Browser

Figure 3: Database Report Browser with Open Motor Data Dialog

Double-clicking on a row in the browser spreadsheet displays the database dialog box for the selected item. In the figure above, the row for motor “M-14” was double-clicked. You can modify the database information and then click OK to see your changes reflected in the browser.

Database Browser Report Configurations

You can configure Database Browser reports to display only the columns you want to see. This helps you to keep your reports concise. You can create multiple configurations.

To configure the reports:

  1. While viewing the Database Browser, click Report Config.
  2. Figure 4: Database Report Configurations Dialog Box

  3. Click Add to add a new report configuration.
  4. Figure 5: Report Configuration Dialog Box

  5. Under Equipment, select the equipment you want to see on the report, and then under Columns, select the columns you want displayed.
  6. When you are finished, click Save As, type the name for the new configuration, and then click OK.
  7. Figure 6: Save Configuration Dialog Box

After the configuration is created, you can select it to display the database reports in that configuration.

Figure 7: Select a Database Report Configuration

After configurations are created, you can edit or delete them.

Sharing Report Configurations

Report configurations, including custom configurations, are stored on a per-user basis, in the folder C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\EasyPower\EasyPower\9.8\Configs. If you have a custom configuration that you want to share with other users, this can be done by copying the custom configuration file to each user's folder.

Note: The AppData folder is hidden in Windows by default. You will need to alter your Windows settings to see this folder.

Files stored in this folder include:

Additional Database Browser Options

The Database Browser is a type of table report. Table reports appear in a spreadsheet format and have additional options, such as exporting to Excel or CSV (Comma Separated Value) files. For more information on table report options, see Table Report Tab.

Database Report

To view the Database Report, while in the Database Edit focus on an open one-line, click File > Database > Database Report.

The Database Report provides the same information as the Database Browser, but displays it in an HTML report with all of the equipment tables appearing in the same window.

An example of the Database Report is shown below:

Figure 8: Database Report

Additional Database Report Options

The Database Report is a type of text report. Text reports display information in one or more tables, and can be exported to Word or Excel. You can control the appearance of the text on these reports. For more information on text report options, see Text Report Tab.

More Information

Making One-line Diagrams  
Database Technical Reference  

EasyPower, LLC

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Tualatin, OR 97062


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EasyPower Version 9.8

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Help was last updated on 7/10/2017