Text Size and TrueType

EasyPower supports Windows TrueType fonts for its text display. This makes it possible for EasyPower to display text many times faster than traditional CAD programs, since those programs display text stroke‑by‑stroke. In comparison, EasyPower creates an entire TrueType character in one operation.

The big advantage of using TrueType is speed. However, there is one characteristic of Windows TrueType that you should be aware of. When EasyPower is ready to display text, it tells Windows that it needs a screen font of a certain size. Windows responds by scaling the chosen font in order to satisfy the size requirements.

However, since TrueType font size rounds to the nearest point, the on-screen text might be a slightly different actual size relative to surrounding lines and symbols. (A point, used to measure font height in the printing industry, is approximately 0.014 inches.) Height-wise, this difference is unnoticeable. In the width, however, the slight difference accumulates over the entire line of text. This can make the text wider or narrower for different zoom factors, especially for longer lines of text.

Figure 1: Long Text String Viewed at 100%

EasyPower positions text with the upper-left corner, so while that corner will remain fixed relative to lines and symbols, the end location of a text string is less predictable.

Figure 2: Same Text String Viewed at 30%—Notice Overlap

You can minimize the impact of this TrueType characteristic by keeping the right‑hand side of text away from lines and symbols. In other words, do not position text next to symbols on the right. Also, shorter lines of text are less affected than longer lines.

Figure 3: Shorter Lines of Text, Not Positioned Next to Symbol, Viewed at 100%

Figure 4: Same Text String Viewed at 30%—Overlap Gone

More Information

Making One-line Diagrams  
Note Properties  


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