Analysis Results

Results on the One-line

When an analysis is finished, certain results are displayed on the one-line. Buttons in the Oneline View control which results are displayed. There are corresponding buttons on both the Short Circuit and Power Flow toolbars.

Some of the viewing choices are additive—they can show up in addition to other choices. Others are mutually exclusive—selecting one type of result clears the other choice. You can easily see this on the toolbar by observing which button groups behave like buttons (push one in and the current one pops out). Many of the toolbar viewing buttons behave in a "press-on-press-off" fashion, where clicking on it reverses its on/off state. In the menus, check marks next to a menu item reflect that item's on/off state.

Depending on what you have chosen to be displayed, you might want to move equipment or lines around so that the numbers to fit better. These graphic one-line changes are saved with the database the next time you click Save.

One-line Unit Settings

The One-Line Output tab of Power Flow Options and Short Circuit Options dialog boxes give you control over display choices for the one-line. For example, Short Circuit lets you choose between kV and Per-Unit for the voltage unit. The most important one‑line unit settings are shown in the Status Bar.

Text Results

In addition to results shown on the one-line, you can select to have detailed results sent to text reports. The Text Output tab of the Power Flow Options or Short Circuit Options dialog boxes enable you to specify which text reports are created and what information appears in them.

For example, the Short Circuit focus lets you choose which combination of five result types to generate, including momentary and interrupting. You can also make other choices such as the reporting level for equipment duty.

Depending on what type of analysis you performed and your choice of settings in Power Flow Options > Control or Short Circuit Options > Control, you might have more than one text result window from which to choose. Selecting both high and low voltage buses for analysis might generate multiple text reports.

By default, newly created text windows are minimized. Restore a window by double-clicking it, or by choosing it from the Windows menu.

Window Manipulation

Use Windows operations to manipulate text and one-line windows. The EasyPower Window menu has additional commands that make this process easier.

You can also manipulate the windows using the standard window commands to minimize, maximize, restore, and close windows.

The active window is usually the last one in which you clicked. It has a highlighted caption, which is the bar at the top that contains that window's title. Activating a window automatically brings it to the front if it is overlapped by another window. Also, restoring a minimized window makes it the active window. Knowing which window is active becomes important when clearing results or printing.

Clearing Results From Text and One-line Windows

Each analysis focus has commands to remove results from the text report windows. Clicking Clear only clears the results from the active window. Clicking Clear All from below the Clear button clears the results from all windows associated with that file and the current focus.

When you return to Database Edit focus, all analysis results are automatically cleared from the one-line and the text windows.

Note: By default, the text reports are cumulative. New text analysis results are added to the end of the current reports unless a Clear or Clear All is done first. You can change this in Tools > Options > General.

Saving Text Reports as HTM Files

When a text report is the active window, you can send that information to an HTM file by clicking Save from the Quick Access Toolbar. Each text report saved is given an HTM extension.

Exporting a Text Report to Word/Excel

Right-click on the report and select Export to Microsoft Excel or Export to Microsoft Word. If you have Excel or Word installed on your computer, the report is automatically exported.

More Information

Analysis Overview

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EasyPower Version 9.8

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Help was last updated on 7/10/2017