You are here: Making One-line Diagrams > Changing ID Names

Changing ID Names

ID names can be up to 16 characters long. There are three ways of modifying ID names in the database.

Change ID Name

Clicking Change >ID Name (toolbar menu: Edit > Change ID Name) displays the following:

Figure 1: Change ID Name Dialog Box

This dialog gives you the following choices.

Change ID For These Types Only: No matter what item types are in the current selection, only item types you have selected here will be modified.

Replacement Type

Replace these characters:  Type the characters that you want to replace with different characters. For example, if you have a group of items with ID names of T5/99NL-1, T5/99NL-2, T5/99NL-3, etc. and you want to change them to T5/97MP-1, T5/97MP-2, T5/97MP-3, etc.; you would type 99NL‑ as the characters to replace.

In this field, there are special characters you can use, as described below.

With these characters: Type the new characters you want. Each occurrence of the character string which is in the Replace these characters field is replaced by the characters given here.

Note: Do not use <,>,?,*, or \ in With these characters, as they have no special meaning there.

Name conflict handling: It is possible that, after doing the character replacement you requested, the resulting name will be one that already exists in the database. Use this option to tell EasyPower what to do if a name conflict occurs. 

Any time a name conflict occurs, the affected items are listed in an error report.

After the operation is done, a dialog box comes up telling you how many names were changed.

More Information

Making One‑line Diagrams  
Adding Items to the One-line  
Database Technical Reference

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