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Temporary Generator Data

Figure 1: Temporary Generator Data Dialog Box

Power Flow

The Temporary Generator Data and Temporary Utility Data dialog boxes look similar, because the fields in these temporary dialog boxes perform exactly the same functions in power flow analysis.

Model: Generator bus type used in modeling the power flow simulation. When you choose a model, those fields which are unavailable are dimmed.

MW: Generator output MW. This may be actual operating or a rated value. This applies only to a PV or PQG generator.

MVAR: Generator output MVAR. This is only used when the generator is a constant power, constant var (PQG) machine or when a PV generator MVAR limit has been reached and the machine automatically switches to PQG.

MVAR Limits: Minimum and maximum MVAR limits for regulated generators (PV). The generator will switch to type PQG if these limits are violated.

Ctrl kV PU: Desired control voltage for a regulated generator (PV). The generator will try to control the voltage at the controlled bus to a given value. If the generator bus is the swing bus, this voltage serves as the reference voltage. The voltage is entered in per-unit.

Ctrl Angle: Controlled angle is used only when a generator is designated as a swing generator. The value is entered in degrees.

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Temporary Dialog Boxes  
Power Flow Analysis

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