You are here: Power Flow Analysis > Temporary Dialog Boxes

Temporary Dialog Boxes

Double-clicking on a generator, utility, transformer, MCC, panel schedule, motor, load, capacitor, or shunt while you are in the Power Flow focus displays a dialog box containing a subset of the dialog box you see from the Database Edit focus. These dialog boxes let you temporarily change specific power flow data during an analysis.

Note: You can save temporary changes to the database while in analysis. You can save to the base-case, or in a scenario using Scenario Manager.

For your reference, the item's ID name and connection information is shown at the top of the dialog box. In some cases, other reference information is also shown (for example, the controlled bus for a generator).

More Information

Power Flow Analysis Temporary Motor Data
Temporary Capacitor Data Temporary Panel Schedule Data
Temporary Filter Data Temporary Shunt Data
Temporary Generator Data Temporary Three-Winding Transformer Data
Temporary Load Data Temporary Two-Winding Transformer Data
Temporary Motor Control Center Data Temporary Utility Data

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