Changing Bus Area and Zone

Area numbers are used to uniquely define different areas of the electrical system. These areas can then be used for creating specific text reports from analysis operations that represent subsets of the system. For example, typical paper plant areas may be the power house (Area 1), caustic plant (Area 2), pulp mill (Area 3), and paper machine (Area 4). Area numbers are positive integers between 1 and 999.

A zone number is simply a sub-area. This enables even more specific reporting. You may want to define the pulp mill as Area 3 and the digester electrical equipment as Zone 2. Specific reports can then be generated for this combination without including the entire pulp mill or the other digesters.

To change the area or zone of a bus, double-click on the bus to bring up its data dialog box, and then change the number there. Alternatively, you can select many buses and then from the Home tab, click Change > Bus Area-Zone. This brings up a dialog box that lets you specify an area and zone to be assigned to each of the selected buses.

Figure 1: Change Bus Area/Zone Dialog Box

  • Area: New area number to assign to the selected buses. Use zero to leave the area unchanged.
  • Zone: New zone number to assign to the selected buses. Use zero to leave the zone unchanged.

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