HV Breaker - Harmonics Tab

Harmonics tab

Figure 1: Harmonics Tab

Option Descriptions
Option Description

Monitor IEEE 519 Point of Common Coupling

EasyPower can monitor whether or not the IEEE 519 guideline for harmonics is met at the point of common coupling.

If selected, then the Harmonics Report indicates when this guideline is not being met.

kVA Demand

The kVA demand.

PCC Isc/Load

The ratio of short circuit current to load current at the point of common coupling.

Monitor IEEE 1547 Reference Point of Applicability

EasyPower can monitor whether or not the IEEE 1547 standard defined harmonic current distortion limits have been met at the reference point of applicability (RPA). If selected, then the Harmonics Report indicates whether or not the limits are met.

Irated (A)

The distributed energy resource (DER) unit rated current capacity, which is transformed to the reference point of applicability (RPA) when a transformer exists between the DER and the RPA units.

Monitor IEEE 2800 Reference Point of Applicability

EasyPower can monitor whether or not the IEEE 2800 standard defined harmonic current and voltage distortion limits have been met at the reference point of applicability (RPA). If selected, then the Harmonics Report indicates whether or not the limits are met.

Irated (A)

The inverter-based resources (IBR) plant rated current capacity based on the IBR plant MVA rating at the reference point of applicability (RPA).

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