Panel - Description Tab

This is a spreadsheet listing similar to the Device Library. When you place a new panel on the one-line, the first time you open its database dialog and click on the Description tab, EasyPower displays the Panel Schedule Spreadsheet Creation Wizard which enables you to select the number of rows you want. Clear the check box at the bottom of the wizard dialog if you don't want it to appear with each new panel.

Figure 1: Panel Schedule Spreadsheet Creation Wizard Dialog Box

When you click on the Description tab, additional buttons become available on the toolbar. These enable you to perform actions related to the spreadsheet. See Additional MCC and Panel Spreadsheet Options for more information.

Figure 2: Description Tab

Option Descriptions
Option Description


The list contains all of the same schedules as the Device Library. To enter a listing other than those contained in the list, create a new page in the panel section of the Device Library.


This list enables you to specify in which Device Library Schedule your chosen Library Load spreadsheet is located. To enter a listing other than those contained in the list, create a new page in the panel section of the Device Library.

Panel Load Units

Select the panel load units, from VA or Amps.

See Load Data Notes for more information.


These options enable you to choose which of the panels you want to view: detailed left, right or both. The choice Simplified shows the ABC buses in the middle with the loads on both sides of the spreadsheet.

Fixed Phase Arrangement

When this option is selected, the phase connection of each circuit row is fixed. Load values for the circuit row can only be entered for the connected phase. Unconnected phase cells are grayed out and unavailable. When circuit rows are inserted, deleted or moved, the load values are moved to the appropriate phase connection.

Load values are displayed diagonally across the columns.

When this option is not selected, the phase connection of each circuit row is dependent on the phase of the entered load values. When circuit rows are inserted, deleted or moved, the phase connection of load values remain unchanged.

Load values are displayed horizontally across the columns.

Note: Your phase descriptions may be different than described here if they have been customized in Tools > Options > Terminology.


When selected, this fills in computed values for the protective device Int kA; and conductor Cond Rating (A). You can override these values by clearing the checkbox and typing in different numbers.


Option Descriptions
Option Description

Library Load

This list corresponds directly to the Library Load column in the Device Library. After you have made selections in the Library, Schedule and Library Load fields, all of the following data cells are automatically filled in as soon as you click on another cell. You may also double-click on the cell to enter something different than what is listed.


The column is a toggle "On/Off" to indicate if this particular item is currently connected to the panel. Turning any load as “off” is similar to deactivating them in the one-line.

Load Type

You can select from three types of load:

  • Load: Specify loads in kW and kVARs.
  • Motor: Specify motor HP or kW and X/R ratio.
  • Sub-Panel: Specify the ID Name of the connecting cable and the sub-panel.


The facility (building) for the panel row. Facilities are set up on the menu beneath Tools > Facilities > Facilities.


The location within the facility for the panel row. Locations are set up on the menu beneath Tools > Facilities > Locations.


The floor of the facility where the panel row is located. Floors set up on the menu beneath Tools > Facilities > Floor.

The rest of the fields correspond directly to those in the Device Library. See EasyPower Device Library for more information.

For additional information on the spreadsheet, see the following topics:

More Information