You are here: Making One-line Diagrams > Entering Item Data Using One-line > Copying an Item's Database Information

Copying an Item's Database Information

To copy database information from one item to other items, do the following:

  1. Select the item from which you want to copy the information, and then click Copy (toolbar menu: Edit > Copy). This copies the selected item's data to the EasyPower clipboard. 
  2. Select the items to which you want to copy the information. You can select more than one by holding down the SHIFT or CTRL key when you select additional items. You can also drag a box around the items to select them.
  3. Click Paste (toolbar menu: Edit > Paste). This takes the data stored on the EasyPower clipboard and applies it to the currently selected items while leaving the ID name and bus connection information intact. It doesn't change selected items that are of a different type.

Note: The data is still on the EasyPower clipboard, so you can repeat the select-paste operation with the copied information until you select new information to copy.

More Information

Making One‑line Diagrams  
Opening an Item's Database Dialog Box

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EasyPower Version 9.6

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Help was last updated on 8/26/2014