Exporting a Text Template File

You can export a customized text template from your one-line into a new text template file, and then import that template into a different one-line.

EasyPower only exports the changes you make to the template. Any unchanged formats continue to use the default one-line text.

For information on customizing the file prior to export, see Customizing the One-line Text.

To export a text template:

  1. Click Tools > Options > One-line Text, and then click Export to File.
  2. Figure 1: One-line Text Tab

  3. Type a new name for your text template file, and then click Save.
  4. Note: We recommend that you do not modify the TextTemplate.eztxt template file. This ensures you can identify your customized one-line text template file and also prevents your custom changes from being overwritten if we update the template file in a future release.

    Figure 2: Save Text Template

  5. This creates the text template file, which you can now import into another one-line. You can also set the exported template as your default text template, if desired. See Importing a Text Template File and Setting Default Text for New One-lines for more information.

More Information

One-line Text Tab Text Template Files
Importing a Text Template File Customizing the One-line Text
Setting Default Text for New One-lines  


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Help was last updated on 5/22/2018