Importing a Text Template File

You can import a text template that was exported from a different one-line. Typically, you will want to do this if you have created a new default text template and you want to update your existing one-lines to the new template.

When you import a text template file into a one-line, any existing customized one-line text is removed. EasyPower will display custom one-line text that is specified in the import file, and any text that is not customized will be shown with the default one-line text.

Note: EasyPower treats all one-line text that is included in the import file as a customized, even if it currently matches the default one-line text.

Before you can import a template into a one-line, you must export a template from a different one-line. See Exporting a Text Template File for more information.

To import a text template:

  1. Click Tools > Options > One-line Text, and then click Import from File.
  2. Figure 1: One-line Text Tab

  3. You will receive a warning that importing the text template file will replace the text formats on all equipment. Click OK to continue.
  4. Figure 2: Import Text Warning

  5. Select the custom text template file, and then click Open.
  6. Figure 3: Import Text File

  7. The custom one-line text is imported. Click Apply to see the change on your one-line, and then click OK to save your changes.
  8. Click Save to store the template changes to the one-line.
  9. Note: If you do not click OK and Save, the custom template formats are not saved to the one-line.

More Information

One-line Text Tab Setting Default Text for New One-lines
Exporting a Text Template File Resetting the Text
Text Template Files Resetting the Text

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Help was last updated on 5/22/2018