Two Winding Transformer - Specifications Tab

Figure 1: Specifications Tab

Option Descriptions
Option Description


Choose either ANSI or IEC.


Type of cooling medium/insulation in the transformer (oil, liquid, gas, dry, silicone, or vapor).


Type of cooling used by the transformer. Various combinations of forced air, water and forced oil are available. This field is used to determine the forced cooled rating of the transformer.


Temperature rise rating of the transformer in degrees Celsius.


Either core or shell type transformers can be selected. If Core is selected, the Z0% value on the Impedance tab is set to 0.85 of Z%. If Shell is selected, Z0% is equal to Z%.
Winding Information

Rated kV

Rated kV of a winding. The rated kV can be different than the base kV or the tap kV. EasyPower automatically adjusts the model to account for different taps, turns ratio and bases you choose.

Tap kV / Tap%

Tap kV of a winding. You can also specify the tap kV in terms of percentage of the rated value. If the actual tap kV is not known, enter the rated kV. Load tap changer control can be used to determine final tap settings if needed. EasyPower automatically adjusts the model to account for different taps, turns ratio, and bases you select.

MVA or kVA Rating

Self-cooled rating of the transformer. Use to select the unit in MVA or kVA.

MVA or kVA O/L

Forced-cooled rating of the transformer. In the absence of this data, use the Calculate button to estimate the forced-cooled rating based on the Type, Class and Temp values you enter.


This option is used by the Power System Reliability module when mapping transformer data. The options are:

  • (default): This indicates the transformer is a standard two-winding transformer.
  • Isolation: An isolation transformer transfers electrical power from an AC power source to equipment or devices while isolating the powered device from the power source, usually for safety reasons.
  • Auto: An autotransformer is an electrical transformer with only one winding.

See Reliability for more information.

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